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Doug Loves Sarah #25, 10 July (2007)

Another Knock out Gift...hehe

I try and get Sarah interesting gifts when I buy her anything. This is because, at my heart, I am a greedy bastard. Though I always pay bills and keep money set aside for important things, any free money we have I know about it first and tend to make plans with first. I know, I am a pig. The majority of this is channeled into books or dvds. With the latter, I most often go for things she will like too, but that is merely a front. My material selfishness shows through.

This summer, especially, I have been trying to find her a few gifts that she will completely cherish, in hopes that she fails to notice the dozen or so books that I have bought over the past three months. Heh.

But, by far and wide, the coolest gift that I have gotten her (or started getting her, since it is a piece by piece sort of thing) is our new glassware set. That's right, drinking glasses and the sort. How cool can it be, well, you decide.

Our standard cold-beverage containers are 500ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Our iced-drink containers are 1000ml (which we are going to try and trade out half for 600ml) beakers. Plan on getting a couple of smaller beakers and flasks to sort of add to the mix. Our new wine glasses are going to be 300 or so ml volumetric flasks. Our new meausring cup is going to be a graduated cylinder. My new sweet tea "jug" is going to be a 3L (or so) flask or beaker with either a stopper for the flask or watch glass for the beaker.

How much further we take this theme, I don't know. I have thought about hooking up a stir plate and some stir rods to use as mixers. Chem-lab style hot plots. Possibly even using chem-wipes instead of paper towels.

Our spice rack will most likely be composed of testtubes on a rack. Possible use of burets to hold things like soy sauce and olive oil, hooked to a rack on the wall above our stove.

Piece by piece we are bringing it in and replacing it. The only real flaw that I find, so far, is it is not easy to replace plates. Bowls can technically be replaced by the right shaped beaker, sort of. Drinking-ware abounds in the chemistry lab world. What is missing is something that can act like a plate. Watch glasses tend to peter out at a few inches.

I don't know, that might be the taking the thing one step too far.

Anyhow, in case you missed it, the "gift" is the full acknowledgement that we are geeks...and that we continue to giggle every time we drink out of a flask. Hey, I to your strengths.

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Note: if you would like to support this site and it's author (as well as his wife), then we gladly accept well wishes, prayers, loving memories and what other pleasant thoughts you want to send our way. If you are looking for something a little more physical, then there is a My Wishlist as well as her Her Wishlist to which we post things that we would like.