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Doug Loves Sarah, Week 17 of 52V-DAySarah and I do little for most Valentine's Days, but we like to do something. It is not so much that we think the day is especially significant, or worse, that we tend to ignore each other year round except for a handful of days. No, it is just a day that we have fun with. We will go out and spend a little more on food, spend a little more gifts, be extra careful to make sure time is spent together, and so forth. It is never a forgotten day, just there is never a heck of a lot of planning for it, neither. The problem is, looking back, I can't really recall anything we have done. I think we went out for Japanese one year. I know I bought her a large stuffed dog one year. Flowers may have shown up one year. There were some cute stuffed kissing bear things this year. I do not remember if we went out to eat or not. Many couples I know say that they avoid Valentine's Day like the plague. They say it is crass commercialism. There is not one exception, in these couples, that does not 1) go into debt or 2) put someone else into debt around Christmastime. I think one of the biggest issues to Valentine's day is the fact that it centers around the color pink. That is a huge problem for me. I usually just want to sleep through the pink storm. I usually have to work and do not get a chance. As I break down in random rambles, I force myself to come back to the topic at hand, Sarah and I celebrating Valentine's Day. I think what happens is we get exactly what we want. Nine times on the ten, what we want is to spend a quiet evening with each other and not stress out. That's what we do. It is boring. Relatively cheap. And relaxing. And it is exactly what I want. Oh yeah, too late to stop the rambling now, so I will just say that we had something of a fight this last one. Early in the morning. About something stupid. But that's in the core of relationships as well. Can't escape it, you know. That's just the way it goes. |
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