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Doug Loves Sarah, Week 15 of 52The CookThe reason that I am the chef for our househould has little to do with actual skill, though I am the better cook. I am the better cook because I was the chef, and had to learn. I have made mistakes, the number one I recall involve yogurt and zucchini, which turned out to be not half bad but only half good at best. Overall, though, I have been learning. The reason is probably best summed up as a mystery. That, and Sarah might just be lazy when it comes to such things. Well, that and she is also squeamish around things like hot oil, heat in general, and any sort of food that might pop. And for some reason, she still can't remember if you fill the rice cooker to the line with water before or after the rice. It's not rocket science love, though I wager if it was, she would be able to not only give a precise calculation of cylindrical pressure, but also the general hydrocarbon make up of the different layers of fuel before and after take off. I am also the cook because I know how to spice thing. She knows how to add garlic, and salt. And too little butter and too much cajun seasoning. But she can make a nice onion and beef spaghetti sauce, so that is ok. I have no real point with this whole entry besides to say "I tend to cook" and "there are divers reasons beyond the realm of man". That, and I want her to cook spaghetti tonight. Yum. |
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